如何避免哥伦比亚航空AV里程 (Avianca Lifemiles) 过期?

AV 里程快过期了怎么办?


首先告诉大家一个办法怎么看自己AV Lifemiles有效期。官网是没法看到自己里程的有效期的,必须下载Avianca的官方App才可以。注意,Avianca和Lifemiles都有官方App,Lifemiles的里程计划App看不到过期日期,必须下载Avianca的航司App才可以。我自己打开Avianca App后发现我的Lifemiles里程将于2019年12月过期,见下图:

这里强调一下,一般来说,AV Lifemiles 里程有效期为12个月!我们仔细阅读了Lifemiles官网里程过期规则的全文并进行分析,有兴趣的读者建议和我们一起仔细阅读一下原文:

  1. 只有里程入账才能延期里程12个月,里程兑换并不能延长里程有效期。不过有2个例外,一是AV的高级会员的里程,二是Lifemiles联名信用卡持有者的里程,这两种情况可以享有24个月里程过期政策。原文:

    Any miles accrual transaction in a member´s account in the Program extends the validity of the miles in the account of such member for a term of twelve (12) months from the date of such accrual of miles. Other transactions that may affect the balance of miles in a member’s account, including redemption transactions, will have no effect on them and will not extend the validity of the miles in such account.This general rule will have the following exceptions that extend the validity of such miles in the account of such member for twenty-four (24) months from the date of such accrual: (i) any accrual of miles in a member´s account with an Elite Status at the time of the accrual; (ii) any accrual of miles derived from a cobranded credit or debit cards under the LifeMiles brand.

  2. 给朋友转点(会收费)可以延长里程有效期,而以下里程入账不能延长里程过期时间:一是Lifemiles给的生日Bonus或者别的Bonus点数,二是别家常旅客项目的分数向Lifemiles的分数转移,三是如果一个人有2个Lifemiles账户,合并账户产生的点数。原文:

    Notwithstanding the foregoing, the following accrual activities do not extend the validity of the miles in the member´s account: 1) the birthday bonus or any other miles bonus that may be given by the LifeMiles Program and LifeMiles LTD so establishes.; 2) the migration of points or miles from other loyalty programs to the LifeMiles Program made as a consequence of the union of both loyalty programs or the migration of one member from another loyalty program to the LifeMiles Program; and 3) the merger of accounts of the LifeMiles Program, including those derived from a member´s duplicate accounts. In the case of the transfer of miles from a member´s account to another, the activity in the account of the transferring member will extend the validity of the miles that are kept in its account for twelve (12) months or twenty-four (24) months if it has an Elite Status, from the date of the transaction.

    看到这里,大家肯定要问,TYP和MR转点到底可以延长有效期吗?我们替大家实际测试了一下,各转了1000 TYP和MR进入Lifemiles,第二天打开AV App,里程有效期顺利延长了一年!因此MR和TYP转点都是可以延长有效期12个月的!可能需要等到第二天才刷新过期日期,大家转点完之后先别着急,记得第二天再打开app确认一下就好。

  3. 只要里程延长了12个月(或者24个月),那整个账户内的所有里程都会延长12个月(或者24个月),所以Lifemiles信用卡持卡人只要2年刷一次卡就可以让里程不过期了。原文:

    When an accrual transaction is made in a member´s account, the entire miles in the account of such member will receive the greater validity between the validity of the existing miles in the account before the accrual transaction or twelve (12) months (or twenty-four (24) months in the cases that apply in accordance with the previous paragraph a. above) from the referred accrual transaction.

  4. 2018年4月15日以前入账的里程依然有24个月有效期,2018年4月15日以后入账的里程才遵从上述规则。原文:

    The miles accrued in the member´s account before April 15th, 2018 will continue to have the same validity which they had under the expiration policy in effect as of April 14th, 2018. However, its extension from April 15th , 2018 will be governed by what is established in the present Miles Expiration Policy.

既然MR和TYP转点都可以延长Lifemiles的里程,那就非常方便拉!大家只需要在分数快过期的时候转1000 MR或者TYP进Lifemiles就可以了。

MR和TYP转点可以延长里程过期日期这件事,目前也不确定是他们政策就设计成这样了还是只是IT bug而已。不过即使哪天转点延期行不通了,也不用着急,这里给大家列出几个其他建议:

  1. 买分:AV Lifemiles经常有折扣不错价格低至1.375c/p的卖分活动,里程快要过期的时候买点分数吧。
  2. 坐星盟飞机:坐UA或者别家星盟飞机(CA AC NH OZ SQ BR等等)的时候,不妨去登机口把一段航班的常旅客号改成你的AV Lifemiles号。
  3. 申卡:AV Lifemiles联名信用卡AV信用卡有两张:AV VidaAV Vuela,都是很不错的信用卡,不过据说AV信用卡审批的时候经常抽风,很多信用分数不错的同学莫名其妙申请不过。不过一旦拿到信用卡,就再也不怕Lifemiles过期了。
  4. 转分:给自己的家人的AV Lifemiles转一些里程也可以避免里程过期(有一定手续费)。


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