Author Archive: ThunderFat

Introduction to Hotel Best Rate Guarantee (BRG)

Best Rate Guarantee, just as its name implies, is to guarantee the best rate. Currently, hotel groups more want customers to go directly to their official website (including the official mobile phone App) to book accommodation.In order to attract more customers, in addition to the general provision that only official website reservation can get eligible stay/nights, they also tend to…
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Will Banks Close My Inactive Credit Cards?

People who have many credit cards are often concerned about whether their cards will be canceled if they don’t use them frequently. What kind of negative effects will occur as credit cards are canceled? And do canceled credit cards influence your scores or make you appear on the blacklist? According to laws, banks indeed have the right to cancel your…
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How to Avoid Chase Closing All Your Accounts

Previously, we introduced the risk monitoring method by AmEx: Financial Review (FR), of which many churners are wary of. Today we are going to tell something more nightmare-inducing: Chase may close all your credit card accounts!! A-L-L credit card accounts! We write not to scare you, but instead to help you find the right way to establish a good relationship with banks!…
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Introduction to AmEx Membership Rewards (MR) II: How to Use

  Recently, American Express has had a lot of large sign-up bonuses offers and many of you have obtained or will obtain many Membership Rewards (MR) points. What is the best way to use those points? We will introduce how to use those points and hope you can find the best way to use yours! You can click Introduction to…
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How to Avoid Financial Review (FR) from Amex?

Several days ago Amex finally introduced the 100k offer for the Platinum Card as well as ED and BCE’s 25k/$250, lots of people applied and were approved for these offers. At the same time, however, Amex strengthened their efforts on Financial Review and recent data points show many users going through this process. In this post, we will briefly introduce the…
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Detailed Redemption Rules for American Airline (AA) Miles

We have posted an article before: A Beginner’s Guide to American Airline (AA) Miles, to give you a brief introduction to American Airline Miles, including how to earn AA miles and how to use miles for free air ticket (mainly focus on using miles for Sino-US air ticket). In this post, we will elaborate the specific rules of the AA…
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