【2021.3更新】 我們文中介紹了目前聯邦關於1099K的發放標準:累計數額超過$20k且轉賬超過200筆。目前幾個州將標準下調到$600或$1000不等,所以很多讀者收到了1099-K。但日前通過的第三輪新冠救助法案 Section 9674將聯邦標準下調至$600:全美國自2022年1月1日起,第三方支付累計收款超過$600就會收到1099-K稅表,見法案原文(HT: DoC)。
這不改變本文結論,朋友之間結算飯錢、返利網返現、偶爾賣二手貨所得收入仍然是non-reportable, non-taxable,也可按本文方式報稅。聯邦標準下調意圖可能是想掌握Uber/Lyft司機這些人的收入,但這給收到小額non-taxable income的人造成了報稅的麻煩。即使是有business income的人,從Paypal transaction中分離出這些non-taxable income也是額外的負擔。雖然新規2022年才開始執行,也不排除Paypal在2021年想更多的州推廣。如果想要避免這些麻煩,我們建議從現在開始盡量不要使用PayPal(以及同類產品)收取上述這些non-taxable income。
長期做生意並使用Paypal收款的讀者應該對1099-K不陌生,按照正常的business income報稅就可以。
但本博讀者大多數的情況是使用Paypal接收了一些諸如cash back之類的免稅收入,金額不大,卻收到了1099-K稅表。博客作者以及論壇討論的結論是,1099-K的收入,如果不涉及business income,則本身不影響F1以及H1B簽證。
根據IRS的介紹, Form 1099-K是關於信用卡及第三方支付支付的稅單。個人從這些機構收到轉賬,可能是一筆應稅收入,故而第三方支付機構(例如Paypal)會將該收入以1099-K形式報告給個人以及IRS。
- 支付總額超過$20000
- 超過200筆交易
AR: $2500 and 0 Transactions DC: $600 and 0 Transactions IL: $1000 and 4 Transactions MA: $600 and 0 Transactions MS: $600 and 0 Transactions MD: $600 and 0 Transactions VT: $600 and 0 Transactions MO: $1200 and 0 Transactions NJ: $1000 and 0 Transactions VA: $600 and 0 Transactions
1099-K中的cash back/garage sell/reimbursement需要繳稅嗎?
個人的收入有reportable, non-reportable,taxable和non-taxable的區別。
The gross amount of a reportable payment does not include any adjustments for credits, cash equivalents, discount amounts, fees, refunded amounts or any other amounts.
例如同學一起出去吃飯,其中一人付款,其他人對他轉賬,則轉賬收入是non-reportable,non-taxable。麻省的Department of Revenue有一個關於1099-K的FAQ網頁,專門舉了一個這種reimbursement收入的例子
Molly goes to dinner with her 14 graduate school classmates to celebrate the end of the term. She pays for a $1,500 meal on her credit card and her classmates reimburse her for the expense via a peer-to-peer payment system, totaling $1,400. That $1,400 IS NOT subject to tax or any reporting as it was not payment for goods or services, but simply reimbursement.
Meghan is downsizing her home and sells furniture on an auction site for $5,000. The original purchase price of the furniture was $9,000. The $5,000 IS NOT subject to tax or any reporting as it is a function of selling personal items at a loss.
2010年IRS出過一個letter ruling,確認了cash back被視為rebate,僅僅降低了商品的價格,而不能算入應稅收入。使用Paypal接收cash back並未改變其rebate的實質,因此也是non-reportable,non-taxable。
下面討論理論上免稅的cash back/garage sell/reimbursement。
Splitting rent with your roommate is not generally a taxable transaction, but the IRS will probably send you a notice if you』re issued a Form 1099-K and that amount does not appear anywhere on your return.
Plus1s遇到這種情況,不會報1099-K中的免稅收入,但會在tax return中附上相關材料,包括一份申明陳述1099-K表中部分收入是屬於cash back/garage sell/reimbursement,因此是non-reportable, non-taxable,以及相應的票據。例如cash back可以放cash back網站的statement、paypal轉賬記錄,garage sell可以放買入該物品時的收據等等。也可以準備好這些申明和票據,等IRS寄來notice之後,再寄回這些文件。在tax return中附帶statement是允許的,但是如果不是對Form 1040某一行的注釋之類的writing in information,則可能只能mail return,參考這個回答;但有的軟件似乎可以輸入這種statement。
(2)填兩筆Other income,一筆正數作為收入,手動加一筆負數作為支出
第一種方式或多或少需要和IRS打交道,而有的人希望在報稅問題上盡量低調。那麼能不能在1040上找到一個位置報這筆收入呢?Turbotax 的互助論壇上有人提供了針對garage sell的填法:
It is not taxable. You can use the cost of the clothes as a deduction and you will have no net income to pay taxes on. If the IRS questions it, then show them your documentation. Print out or screenshot from Paypal something showing that what you sold was used personal items.
Do it this way, it will zero out and not be taxed: Enter it under Wages & Income, Your 2017 Income Summary, scroll down click on Start next to Miscellaneous Income, then choose Other reportable income, answer Yes to “Any Other Taxable Income?” Under Description put “Sales of Personal Property 1099-K” and enter the amount from the 1099-K in the next box, click continue, click on “add another income item”, Under Description put “Cost of Personal Property 1099-K” and enter the same amount as a negative. On the Other Miscellaneous Income Summary make sure you see the 2 items, one positive and one negative and Total is $0.
這個回答針對rebate, coupon的填法:
Per the IRS, cash rebates from a dealer or manufacturer for an item you buy generally not taxable. If you received a 1099-K, it reflects gross income received for this activity and needs to be reported since the IRS has received the document also.
You should enter the 1099-K in TurboTax (see below) and add a separate line item with a negative amount that represents the rebate and coupon income that is included on the 1099-K. You can essentially enter 2 line items in the ”Additional Income” section, one as a positive number for the full amount and below it an offsetting negative amount for the total of the manufacturer incentives received.
總結起來,第二種方法是填兩筆Other income,一筆是收入,一筆是支出,抵消後不繳稅。這個Turbotax論壇回答也建議對於免稅的1099-MISC收入填寫一筆負的Other income抵消。
賣出行為中”sporadic activity and hobby”不屬於business,見IRS說明。這種買賣的特點不是以盈利為目的,比如偶爾的有盈利的garage sell。將之歸類為Other income可以免去self-empolyment tax,見這個帖子的詳細資料。什麼行為屬於”sporadic activity and hobby”沒有明確定義,要看具體情形分析,IRS也曾今輸過訴訟。
(3)在Schedule C按business income報稅
另外,1099-K一般是business income,IRS會期待在Schedule C上見到這筆收入。博客作者中也有建議報在Schedule C上,讓income和cost相抵,從而達到報告但不繳稅的目的。
F1, H1-B簽證不允許有business income。這一類讀者填寫Schedule C,須意識到之後移民轉換身份時的風險。 Plus1s認為只要不是真正的business income,總是能找到證據為自己辯護,方法仍然是提交一些收據、statement證明這不是真正的business income。
參考資料:IRS 1099K,MA-DOR,HR-block
Disclaimer: This article and any content herein are general introduction for readers only, and shall not constitute nor be relied on as legal opinion or legal advice in any form. We assume no liability for anything herein. If you need help about tax, please talk to a tax, legal or accounting advisor immediately.