Credit to: Mike Mozart @ Flickr
Recently one of our readers “本群倒数第一” received a call from BoA, informing him that the most recent credit card he’s got from BoA is approved by mistake, and therefore, he needs to close down one of his BoA credit cards. The representative specifically quoted one BoA internal policy:
Any account holder currently can only open up to 3 new BoA credit cards during a 12-month period. If the recent approved credit card exceeds this limit, new card will be closed even after approval.
During the past 12 months, this particular reader has applied 4 BoA credit cards in total, MERRILL+, Alaska Airlines x2, and Premium Rewards. He finally chose to close one of his Alaska Airline credit card during this call.
Thanks to the recent discontinuation of MERRILL+ and the new release of Premium Rewards, lots of our readers have recently applied for multiple BoA credit cards. Meanwhile, there are quite a few data points showing that recent approved credit cards being shut down by BoA. Several potential reasons that might explain these recent data points include:
- BoA starts to limit the approvals of identical credit cards applications.
- BoA starts to limit the total number of credit cards.
- BoA starts to limit the number of approved credit cards in a 12-month period (aforementioned in this post)
If you have experienced recent-approved BoA credit card being shut down, please share your data points with us. If your data point goes against this “BoA 3/12 new policy“, it could also be a combination of several aforementioned policies or other newly-implemented policies that we are not aware of. However, if this “BoA 3/12 new policy” proves to be true, then we probably need a new game plan for BoA credit cards in the future. Either way, I still believe:
Policies come and go, churners stay forever…