Credit Cards Comparison

Best Rewards Credit Cards To Keep (2021.10 Update)

Credit cards could bring you great rewards, often greater than you thought. Typically, there are two ways to earn rewards with credit cards: everyday purchases and sign-up bonus. Credit cards with high sign-up bonus (see Best Credit Card Sign-Up Bonus) are usually not the credit cards you should choose for everyday use, since they often come with annual fees but not so good…
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List of Credit Cards with No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF) (2018.2 Update)

When using your credit cards abroad, you usually need to pay a 2%~3% Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF). Some credit cards do not charge this fee, and thus are very suitable for using abroad. Here are some common credit cards with no FTF. Note: Aside from the Foreign Transaction Fee, Visa/MasterCard may also charge a Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) Fee, which can be…
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Delta Sky Club Seattle (Terminal A) – Review

In October 2016, Delta opened a new Sky Club in Terminal A of SeaTac International Airport to complement the existing, smaller Sky Club at the South Satellite terminal. Though normally an Alaska loyalist, I took advantage of a recent opportunity to fly Delta with the sole purpose of checking out the new SkyLounge. In short, Delta spent $24 million to construct one of the nicest domestic…
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Grocery Rewards Card Comparison

Supermarket cards, also known as grocery reward cards, refer to credit cards with a high return in the Supermarket / Grocery category. In this regard, American Express is almost the champion. They have four different great supermarket cards: AmEx EveryDay (ED); AmEx EveryDay Preferred (EDP); Blue Cash Everyday (BCE); Blue Cash Preferred (BCP). With so many choices, it’s not easy to decide which…
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Best Rewards Credit Cards For Grocery/Supermarket (2016 Update)

Grocery, including supermarket, is one of the most common categories of our daily spending, which makes rewards credit cards for grocery use very useful. American Express is almost dominant in this aspect. It issues four similar rewards credit cards for grocery: AmEx EveryDay(ED), AmEx EveryDay Preferred(EDP), Blue Cash Everyday(BCE), Blue Cash Preferred(BCP). In addition to those AmEx cards, there’s another…
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Best Premium Credit Cards: Citi Prestige vs AmEx Platinum vs … (2016 Update)

For many people, credit cards with annual fee of $400 ~ $500 seem to belong to another world, having nothing to do with themselves. However, what we want to tell you today, is that you should NOT think that way! For many people, credit card with $450 annual fee may only have $100 equivalent annual fee! And it comes with…
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Some Thoughts on Store Credit Cards (2015.5 Update)

Store Credit Cards (such as co-branded credit cards of Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Banana Republic, etc.) Review Strongly NOT recommended! Many of us might have been recommended to apply for store credit card while shopping at like Macy’s, Victoria’s Secret, Banana Republic and so on. Generally, the bonus for applying that kind of card is a considerably high discount for the current…
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