Wyndham Rewards® EarnerSM Card 温德姆酒店(昵称“温大妈”)信用卡简介
【2023.5 更新】45k 开卡奖励回归了。
【2023.1 更新】高开卡奖励过期了,现在只有普通的30k了。
【2022.8 更新】新的开卡奖励是 45k。
- 45k 开卡奖励:开卡90天内消费满 $1,000 可得 45,000 Wyndham Points。近期最高开卡奖励是60k。
- Wyndham Points 价值约为 1.0 cents/point (酒店点数估值)。其实 Wyndham 的酒店兑换结构很简单,只有三个等级:7.5k/15k/30k。详情请参考《Wyndham Rewards 温德姆奖赏常旅客计划简介》。
- “go free Faster”:持卡即可让兑换所需点数减少10%,即持卡情况下三档酒店兑换分别仅需 6.75k/13.5k/27k。
- 在温德姆酒店和加油类别的消费可得 5x Wyndham Points,吃饭超市可得 2x Wyndham Points,其他消费 1x。
- 每年 (anniversary year) 消费满$15,000可得7,500点数。
- 自动获得 Wyndham Gold 会员。
- No Foreign Transaction Fee (FTF)。
- 无年费。
- 因为 Wyndham 旗下的酒店档次普遍不高,free night 可能住不出特别高的价值。
- 必须要注意的是,温大妈的点数是会过期的,即使有活动。在Inactive的情况下18个月过期,即使有活动,点数也会在四年后过期。所以如果几年内没有住店计划的话囤这家点数不合适。
- 巴克莱非常看重近期 Hard Pull,推荐6个月内 Hard Pull 数量小于6个的时候申请,尽管这不是严格的rule。
- 【6/24 规则】和Chase的5/24规则类似,巴克莱也会拒绝你,如果你24个月内有6个或更多的新账户。不过和Chase不一样的是,巴克莱的这条规则并不是严格执行的,经常有反例。
- 建议信用历史一年以上再申请。
- 理论上来讲,巴克莱的信用卡只有 Permanent Resident(绿卡或公民)才可以申请,下面的截图出自申请页面的细则。实际上,银行并不会真的去验证你是否是绿卡或者公民,非绿卡公民也能申到,但风险自负。
我们建议申请年费版 Barclays Wyndham Earner Plus 拿更高的开卡奖励,等到没有住宿需求的时候再降级为无年费版,无年费版一样有积分兑换折扣和住店折扣,还挺良心的。
- Barclays Wyndham Earner Plus
- Barclays Wyndham Earner(本文)
- Barclays Wyndham Earner Business
Barclays Wyndham Earner | Barclays Wyndham Earner Plus | Barclays Wyndham Earner Business | |
Annual Fee | $0 | $75 | $95 |
Annual Points | 7,500 (if spending $15,000 or more) | 7,500 | 15,000 |
Bonus Categories | Earn 5 points per $1 spent on eligible purchases made at Hotels By Wyndham as well as on qualifying gas purchases; Earn 2 points per $1 spent on eligible dining and grocery purchases (excluding Target and Walmart) | Earn 6 points per $1 spent on eligible purchases made at Hotels By Wyndham as well as on qualifying gas purchases; Earn 4 points per $1 spent on eligible dining and grocery purchases (excluding Target and Walmart) | Earn 8 points per $1 spent on eligible purchases made at Hotels By Wyndham as well as on qualifying gas purchases; Earn 5 points per $1 spent on eligible marketing, advertising services, and utilities |
Wyndham Elite Membership | Gold | Platinum | Diamond |
Best Sign-up Bonus | 60,000 | 90,000 | 90,000 |
- 巴克莱查询申请状态可以点击这里。
- 巴克莱 reconsideration 后门电话:866-408-4064。巴克莱会喜欢详细询问你各种问题的,一定要对自己的个人情况和信用报告胸有成竹。此外,他们家reconsider很可能还会再 Hard Pull 一次,不过也是会提前告知你,各位自行斟酌。