You can check whether you are targeted by clicking “Special Offers & Deals” -> “Cash back deals”.
BankAmeriDeals is a function very similar to AmEx Offers but provided by BoA. Most of the time, the deals suck, that’s why there are not so many people talking about it. But now there’s a great AT&T deal:
Click the icon of the deal, then you will see “Ready to use” which means you enrolled successfully. Use your BoA credit card make two separate transactions with AT&T of at least $15 each before the deadline, and you will get $75! This deal is targeted, some people see nothing, and some people may see a $100 deal. If you are a AT&T customer, you can get this $75 easily by making two payments towards your plan; if not, you can also purchase something cheap in the AT&T shop.
This deal appears from time to time. It appeared in April and October in 2016.